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The Brown Insurance Group

When it's not BLACK and WHITE use BROWN - The Brown Insurance Group


You might find yourself between jobs, self-employed, your COBRA coverage is expiring, or your child is too old for your policy. Maybe your employer is dropping coverage and you are uncertain where to turn. The Brown Insurance Group can talk you through all your options, in plain English. We can help you choose the coverage that best meets your unique situation and budget.


Other insurance agencies often view this type of business as a side line for them, at the Brown Insurance Group this is our sole business and our focus is to provide you with the best experience you can find. We accomplish this by being extremely knowledgeable in the important areas and offering you the broadest range of company and plan choices possible. You can be confident that the Brown Insurance Group is working with every major reputable insurance company, and has invested the time to build a thorough understanding of pricing and benefits for you.  We can explain all your options to you in an uncomplicated and easy to understand language.


 Have you noticed that the entire world of healthcare is changing before our eyes?  The intent of the new health care law might have been to simplify the process for consumers, however, many feel that things have become even more complex.  You might be wondering how all of the healthcare insurance changes will affect you. For this reason, it is more important than ever for you to get the professional help you deserve. 


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